The internal temperature sensor of RP2040 is read using micropython. The Thonny IDE is used in Windows environment.
The temperature sensor is connected to Channel number 4 of the ADC.
But since this is a rather small implementation using Thonny IDE, it does most of the interfacing related code in the background.

import machine
import time
Function Name: Read internal temperature sensor
Description: This function reads the internal temperature sensor of RP2040 chip.
The temperature sensor measures the Vbe voltage of a biased bipolar diode,
connected to the fifth ADC channel (AINSEL=4).
def read_internal_temperature_sensor():
tsi = machine.ADC(machine.ADC.CORE_TEMP)
temp = tsi.read_u16() * (3.3 / (65535))
temp = 27 - (temp - 0.706)/0.001721
return temp
while True:
#reads the temprature and prints it
print("Temperature: ", read_internal_temperature_sensor())
#Create a dealy of 1 second
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