In an ARM Cortex, M4F processor-based microcontroller such as STM32L476vg; the floating-point number is stored in accordance to the IEEE-754.
In the above video, I have written a small code using IAR workbench. When I debugged the program using IAR. I have observed that the floating-point number is converted by the compiler into IEEE 754 format and it is being stored in S# registers of the STM32L476vg. Which are the register present in the FPU(Floating Point Unit) or VFP(Vectored Floating Point) unit.
If you want to go into details, here is the abstract
Abstract: This standard specifies interchange and arithmetic formats and methods for binary and decimal floating-point arithmetic in computer programming environments. This standard specifies exception conditions and their default handling. An implementation of a floating-point system conforming to this standard may be realized entirely in software, entirely in hardware, or in any combination of software and hardware. For operations specified in the normative part of this standard, numerical results and exceptions are uniquely determined by the values of the input data, sequence of operations, and destination formats, all under user control.
“IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic,” in IEEE Std 754-2008 , vol., no., pp.1-70, 29 Aug. 2008, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2008.4610935.
A great tool to have is the online IEEE 754 convertor
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