Tag: RTC
How to connect STM32F429I-DISC1 board to DS1307 using I2C
On the STM32F429 board, there is one I2c extension connector. This connector has eight pins. Which is used to connect to other I2C peripherals such as RTC, EEPROM and other microcontrollers etc. In the hardware schematics, it is labelled as ACP/RF E2P connector. The I2C3 SDA and SCL lines are pulled up via a 4.7…
How to use DS1307 RTC with ATmega328PB via I2C in Microchip Studio
The DS1307 Real Time Clock uses I2c communication lines to connect with the microcontroller. I2C uses two lines commonly known as Serial Data/Address or SDA and Serial Clock Line or SCL. The two lines SDA and SCL are standardised and they are implemented using either an open collector or open drain configuration. What this means…
General Timer based on RTC using stm32f103rb
This timer uses stm32 internal rtc peripheral to display time. The initialization code is generated using CUBEMX which is embedded inside the CUBE IDE. The code uses itoa() function which needs stdlib.h header file. itoa() function in C language converts the integer into ASCII digits which are stored in a buffer. You can choose the…
Up Counting Timer using STM32L476
I have created this Upcounting timer using the RTC of STM32L476vgt. In this timer, time will keep on incrementing and it will be displayed using the onboard LCD. How to Read RTC of STM32L476G-DISCO Here is the code that I have used to make this. I have used STM32 CUBE IDE for programming and debugging…
How to Read RTC of STM32L476G-DISCO
Create a Project in STM32 CUBE IDE for the STM32L476G-DISCO board. Select LSE as Clock Source for RTC The default option is LSI which uses an internal RC circuit. LSE is the external 32KHz crystal that is provided on the board for the RTC. Activate the Clock source and Calendar This will enable the RTC…