I bought the printer from wol3d’s New Delhi office.
I am a electronics guy but i have inclination towards the 3d printing world. The feeling that you can design and make something in front of you. It’s a slow process but this printer comes with a slicer software which is fast.
Build Volume : 220 x 220 x 240 mm
The best thing is the auto bed leveling on this printer. I do not have to adjust the four corner bolts and rub a paper under the nozzle. It is done automatically done.
Till now the results are amazing.
I have noticed that the prints depends upon a lot of things:
- Filament Quality :
I have used a few filaments samples i got my hand on they were old and new. The old one which are above one year old open packet are just brittle they clog the printer every now and then. and one time it was so break while in the extruder which set my heart racing as i don’t want new printer to clog and change its nozzle. Thankfully the nozzle clogged removed when i inserted the fresh PLA and forced it into the extruder.
So yes always use new filament. And also some filament are bad weather they are new or old. - Bed adhesion
- Print Temp
- Slicer Setting
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