Category: Development Kit
Make a Joystick-Controlled Car with ESP32 and NodeMCU
Are you interested in making a remote-controlled car using ESP32 and NodeMCU? In this project, we will use a joystick module to control a car wirelessly. This is a fun and simple way to explore ESP-NOW communication and motor control! What You Need To build this joystick-controlled car, you will need: How It Works Wiring…
How to make an Obstacle Avoiding Vehicle using Arduino UNO
Arduino Sketch Code Explanation The code is a simple obstacle avoidance program for a robot using an ultrasonic sensor and two motors. Let’s break down the code and explain each section: In this section, the code defines constants for motor pins (m1p, m1n, m2p, m2n) and pins for the ultrasonic sensor (echopin for echo and…
How to use attachInterrupt() in Arduino IDE to toggle an LED
Arduino, with its user-friendly environment and a vast array of libraries, opens up a world of possibilities for electronic enthusiasts and hobbyists. One of the key features that makes Arduino a versatile platform is the ability to use interrupts. In this blog post, we will explore the use of attachInterrupt() in the Arduino IDE to…
How to use Mini STM32 v3.0 USB Port as Virtual Com Port
To use USB port of the mini STM32 v3. We need to configure the USB port and for that, we have to look at the schematics. You can view the Full schematic here From the schematics, we see that there are three pins associated with the USB port.1. PA112. PA123. PD2 The Pins PA11…
Raspberry Pi Pico W as Bluetooth Low Energy Central Device and Peripheral Device
This is a very simple demonstration of the Unsecured Bluetooth Low Energy technology. I am using two Raspberry Pi Pico W for this.One will be operated in Central Role and the other will be in the Peripheral Role. The peripheral device will advertise the temperature data of the rp2040 chip. The Central device will scan…
How to use Bluetooth LE of Raspberry Pi Pico W using MicroPython
Step 1: Download the MicroPython UF2 file from the link below Download the UF2 file which has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE support. Step 2: Put the UF2 file in your raspberry pi pico w Step 3: Save the following files in your raspberry pi pico w As you can see in the image, these…
How to use MG90S Servo Motor with Raspberry Pi Pico using micropython
I have this MG90S small servo motor. It is supposed to go from 0° to 180°. Because of their low cost, they have a short range which is less than 180°. Some go to 135°, 100° or 150°. PWM signal required by servo to move. Frequency = 50HzTime Period = 0.02 Second or 20 mili…
Raspberry Pi Model 3b+ Custom Case with Camera Mounting
I made this enclosure using the MDF sheet. It has all the port openings that raspberry pi has. I made an attachment on the side to mount the camera.
How to use bipolar stepper motor using l298n module and raspberry pi pico w
The stepper motor that i have is a bipolar stepper motor. On it one side there is information about it. TYPE: 17PM-k310-33VS NO. T4508-03 Minebea-Matsushita Motor Corporation Made in Thailand It is a NEMA 1717 stands for 1.7inches Raspberry Pi Pico W L298N Module GND GND GP0 IN1 GP1 IN2 GP2 IN3 GP3 IN4 The…
12V PC Fan Control Using Raspberry Pi Pico W By PWM
How to control a 12V PC fan using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals with the Raspberry Pi Pico W board and an L298N motor driver module. I will use the MicroPython programming language and the Thonny IDE to write and run the code. Raspberry Pi Pico W L298n Module GP9 IN1 GND GND VSYS(Connect this…