Category: Development Kit
How to Use C SDK to Create UF2 file which Interface Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico
Hardware setup HC-SR04 Raspberry Pi Pico VCC VSYS GND GND Trig GP2 ECHO GP3 I am using raspberry pi model 3 b+ for the code compilation. If everything worked, you will have your ulf2 file in your build directory
Interfacing a 5V Ultrasonic Sensor with 3.3V GPIO of Raspberry Pi Pico: A Voltage Divider Solution
I have an old HC-Sr04 ultrasonic sensor. I don’t know if it’s GPIO voltage compatible with the 3.3V microcontroller. On the internet, I found that the old sensors work with 5V. So, I used a voltage divider made of 1K ohm and 1.5K ohm Surface mount resistors. To bring down the 5V to a suitable…
How to Transmit Data via UART with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE
How to Initialize UART Communication with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE
Raspberry Pi Pico Internal Temperature Sensor Based Fan Speed Control using PID Algorithm with Anti-Windup Logic
This system uses the Raspberry pi pico development board which has an RP2040 microcontroller. The RP2040 microcontroller has an internal temperature sensor. Using its internal temperature sensor I have devised a very simple setup that demonstrates the PID algorithm. Using PID Algorithm control technique I am controlling the fan speed by changing the PWM duty…
Wireless Plant Watering System using Raspberry Pi Pico W
Every morning my mom waters the plant. She has to water them every day and sometimes in summer, she must provide water twice a day. In winter plant needs water when necessary. Solution: For the above problem, I developed this project using raspberry pi pico w. Here is what it does: Schematic Diagram Micropython Code
How to use 2.8 inch LCD driver on Mini Stm32 V3.0 using STM32CubeIDE
To use the 2.8-inch LCD. I first checked the hardware schematic to find out all the pins attached to the LCD. The LCD has a driver ic on its flex cable. when I read the device code from the IC. The IC is ILI9325 You can check this post here for that Mini STM32 V3.0…
Tiny2313 Dev Board
This is a Tiny development board I made. It is a small size and is ideal for quick prototyping. I made for the Attiny2313 microcontrollers. I started programming with this microcontroller board. Back then I did it on a breadboard. But since now I can know a few things about PCB etching I made this…
How to setup ESP32 on Arduino IDE
Prerequisites: Before we dive into the setup process, there are a few things you’ll need to gather: Now that you have everything you need, let’s get started with the setup process. Step 1: Install the ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE: Step 2: Select the ESP32 Board: Step 3: Choose the Correct Port: Step 4: Upload…
How to use Neo 6m GPS Module with Raspberry Pi Pico
Connect the GPS module to the Raspberry Pi Pico as follows: Note: Since Raspberry Pi Pico operates at 3.3V logic level, you can directly connect the GPS module without voltage level shifting. The module will output something like this $GPRMC,103255.00,V,,,,,,,180523,,,N*70 $GPVTG,,,,,,,,,N*30 $GPGGA,103255.00,,,,,0,00,99.99,,,,,,*66 $GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,99.99,99.99,99.99*30 $GPGSV,1,1,01,18,,,31*73 $GPGLL,,,,,103255.00,V,N*4A These are the NMEA messages. by decoding these messages we…