Category: Development Kit

  • Variables and Data Types in MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico

    Variables and data types are fundamental concepts in programming. In MicroPython, just like in any programming language, variables are used to store data values and data types define the kind of data that can be stored. In this tutorial, we will explore variables and data types in MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico. Variables in MicroPython…

  • How to Read internal temperature sensor of Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE

    The internal temperature sensor of RP2040 is read using micropython. The Thonny IDE is used in Windows environment. The temperature sensor is connected to Channel number 4 of the ADC. But since this is a rather small implementation using Thonny IDE, it does most of the interfacing related code in the background. Code

  • How to setup Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE on windows and Blink onboard LED

    First you have to install micropython on your raspberry pi pico board. Follow the steps shown in the video. To blink the onboard LED you can follow these steps: That’s it! You have successfully blinked the onboard LED of Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE on Windows.

  • How to blink onboard LED on Raspberry Pi Pico W using Thonny IDE in Windows

    The raspberry pi pico w has a LED on it. This LED is not connected to the GPIO pins of RP2040 microcontroller directly. As you can see in the image of the pinout taken from the official datasheet. The onboard LED is connected to a pin ‘WL_GPIO0’. WL_GPIO0 is an internal pin. There are different…

  • Board Specification of Raspberry Pi Model 3b+

    Overview of the Raspberry Pi 3B+ board

  • Introduction to Bare Metal Programming on Raspberry Pi 3b+

    What is Bare Metal Programming? Bare metal programming is the practice of programming a computer or microcontroller without using an operating system or any other software layer between the hardware and the code. It involves writing code that directly interacts with the hardware, using low-level programming languages such as Assembly or C. This allows for…

  • Removed the faulty touch screen from STM32F429I-DISC1

    The LCD display on this touchscreen is having issues. It is not responding to touch. And suddenly the display stopped working. So I cut the foam and suddenly the ribbon tore off completely. As you can see the screen is completely removed. It now gives access to all the pins that are being used by…

  • STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill

    The STM32F103C8T6 development board which is also known as Blue Pill is a small and affordable development board. It is based on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor and features 64KB of flash memory, 20KB of SRAM, and a maximum clock speed of 72MHz. The Blue Pill is a popular choice for hobbyists and developers who want…

  • Raspberry Pi Pico W

    Raspberry Pi Pico W DatasheetConnecting to the Internet with Raspberry Pi Pico WRP2040 Datasheet NOTE: The CYW43439 supports both 802.11 wireless and Bluetooth, initially Pico W does not have Bluetooth support. Support may be added later, and will use the same SPI interface. If support is added existing hardware may require a firmware update to…

  • How to copy files from raspberry pi to PC using SCP

    Introduction Suppose there is a file on your raspberry pi, which you want on your desktop PC or laptop. You can download the file from your raspberry pi. To do this you must be connected to the same router. SCP stands for Secure Copy Protocol Suppose there is a movie in your download folder named…