Category: Development Kit

  • How to make a SONAR based on an ultrasonic sensor

    SONAR stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. SONAR uses the concept of ultrasonic waves that get reflected from the object in front of it. And the time it takes between the transmission and reception tells us about the distance it has traveled. Components Required After making the connection you have to make a sketch and…

  • How to make a simple Traffic Light using Arduino UNO

    Everyone must have seen those big lights in red, yellow, and green color at the corner of every road. Some even flash. Some stay lit all day long. Big junctions have a separate controller which synchronizes these lights. So that the traffic flows smoothly. And the possibility of having a deadlock is minimized. That is…

  • How to make a plant watering system using Arduino Uno

    Sometimes we are so busy in our work or in our day-to-day life that we forget to water our plants on time. Or in the summertime when the plants need additional water to sustain themselves in the high-temperature region like New Delhi. This is a simple project that one can assemble and implement within a…

  • How to connect STM32F429I-DISC1 board to DS1307 using I2C

    On the STM32F429 board, there is one I2c extension connector. This connector has eight pins. Which is used to connect to other I2C peripherals such as RTC, EEPROM and other microcontrollers etc. In the hardware schematics, it is labelled as ACP/RF E2P connector. The I2C3 SDA and SCL lines are pulled up via a 4.7…

  • Battery Monitoring with Led Light Control Using ESP32 Bluetooth for my Solar System

    I need to monitor battery voltage to check weather my charging system is working correctly or not. But to do that i have get up and walk with my multimeter towards the battery and i have to take these reading in night. I placed my battery in a corner where there is very little light.…

  • General Timer based on RTC using stm32f103rb

    This timer uses stm32 internal rtc peripheral to display time. The initialization code is generated using CUBEMX which is embedded inside the CUBE IDE. The code uses itoa() function which needs stdlib.h header file. itoa() function in C language converts the integer into ASCII digits which are stored in a buffer. You can choose the…

  • ESP32 schematics

    This module contains an ESP32 Wroom 32d chip. Here is the schematics for this module.

  • How to interface potentiometer to ESP32 to read ADC Values

    Here is the simple code to read the ADC value and show it in the serial monitor of Arduino ide.

  • Do not connect microcontroller pins to the VGA monitor directly

    I tried to generate VGA signal on stm32f103 I used two timers, the TIMER 2 generate the horizontal sync and then the second timer TIMER 3 is configured in gated slave mode which generates the vertical sync. Then I used HAL_SPI_TRANSMIT_DMA function inside the timer 2 interrupt handler. I in a hurried manner connected the…

  • SIMcom A7670c LTE Module with UART

    This module can be used with Indian 4G bands. This means it can be used with Vodafone, Airtel or Jio networks. This module comes preconfigured with AT commands. The module offers UART to issue commands. Since the communication speed is really high so the 3.3V and 5V UART lines can not be used for communication…