Category: German Language
German Vocabulary 4 – Kartoffeln Bockshornkleeblätter Rezept
German Vocabulary 3 – Rezept für Kidneybohnen (Rajma)
German Vocabulary 2 – Decoding the Knorr Süßkartoffel Linsen Curry Packet
I got this pack from a local shop. It was a recycled item used to store Dosa in it. When I found out it was in German. So I decided to translate a few words written on it. I wrote them on a page. Translated Words
German Vocabulary 1 – Three Cooking Ingredients
Three common ingredients that I use in cooking are: They are translated into German as : I use them after chopping them so they are Which in german are:
German Language vlog 14 – Clues for Masculine Nouns
Male Person der Großvater – Grandfather der Onkel – Uncle der Vater – Father der Cousin – Cousin der Bruder – Brother der Sohn – Son der Ehemann – Husband der Schwiegervater – father-in-law der Schwiegersohn – son in law der Schwager – brother in law der Neffe – Nephew der Enkel – Grandson der…
German Language vlog 13 – Nouns and Gender
German Nouns have grammatical gender and not biological gender. What this means is that sometimes a person can be of different gender even if it biological gender is actually something else. example: A young girl is biologically female. So her gender would be feminine. But in german it is das Mädchen. Here das indicates neuter…
German Language vlog 12 – Questions
Question Words Examples Wer?Why? Frage 1: Wer bist du?Antwort: Ich bin Abhay. Frage 2: Wer sind Sie?Antwort: Ich hieße Parker. Was?What? Frage 1: Was machst du?Antwort: Ich lese ein Buch. (I am reading a Book.) Wo?Where? Frage 1: Wo ist Einstein?Antwort 1: Er ist im kindergarten.(He is in the Kindergarten)Antwort 2: Er ist in der…
German Language vlog 11 – Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers are called ‘Ordnungszahlen’ in German. Ordinal Numbers are first, second, third, and so on in English. In german, there are few rules to make them. But they are easy to understand and once you get to practice you can easily understand them. Note: The spelling of ‘1’ and ‘3’ are different as they…
German Language vlog 10 – Fraction Numbers
In this video, you will learn about German Fraction Numbers or Deutsch Bruchzahlen. For example, 1/2 = ein halb1 1/3 = eins ein Drittel (one and one third)2 4/5 = zwei vier Fünftel (two and four fifth)5/6 = fünf sechstel (five sixth) Frage: Was ist acht zehntel in Dezimalzahl?Antwort:acht zehntel ist 8/108/10 = 0.8 0,8…
German Language vlog 9 – Decimal Numbers
Deutsch Dezimal ZahlenGerman Decimal Numbers Beispiel Frage: Was ist eins punkt sieben plus drei?Antwort:eins punkt sieben = 1.7odereins komma siben = 1,7 drei = 3 1.7 + 3 = 4.7eins punkt sieben gleich vier punkt sieben Frage: Was ist dreiundvierzig punkt acht minus zwei?Antwort:dreiundvierzig ist 43zwei ist 2 43 – 2 = 4141 ist einsundvierzig