Here is the video showing all the steps.
To use the ST-LINK/V2-1 to program the STM32 on an external application board (out of the STM32L476VGT6 onboard), remove the two jumpers from CN3 as shown in the above figure in red, and connect the board to the CN4 software debug connector according to Table.
Make sure the jumpers JP6.3V3, and JP5.OFF are set.
JP3, must be ON if CN4 pin 5 (NRST) is used in the external application board.
Pin | CN4 | Function | JTAG PIN Number | JTAG Name | Note |
1 | Vapp | VDD from Application | Do not Connect Vapp to JTAG. | ||
2 | SWCLK | SWD Clock | 9 | TCK | |
3 | GND | Ground | 1 to 9 | GND | |
4 | SWDIO | SWD data input/output | 7 | TMS | |
5 | NRST | RESET of target MCU | 15 | nSRST | |
Note: Do not connect Vapp to JTAG on the external board unless you know about the power domain of the external board.
Power the board separately.
You can use STM32CubeProgrammer to read the memory and also write the hex file into the microcontroller.
Here I am using mini stm32 v3.0 as an example.
The mini stm32 v3.0 has an STM32F103RB microcontroller along with a JTAG interface for programming and debugging.
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