Selecting the Microcontroller




There are different microcontroller offered by various companies. There are various parameters that go into selection of microcontroller. This process is very long and very tedious as you have to consider for future expansion of project. A good textbook will easily get you all these information.

8 bit data bus microcontrollers:

Atmel (now Microchip) Atmega series of microcontroller offers a good mix of peripherals and has large community base support widely available on the internet.

Microchips PIC16 series is a bit stable in long term and they have a very small assembly instruction set of 35 instructions.

32 bit data bus microcontroller:

ST has a wide offering of microcontroller. It is a bit overwhelming at first but they all have processor based on ARM cortex M0/M1/M3/M4.

Texas Instrument also offers ARM based microcontroller. But there development kit is expensive for the beginner.

Espressif Systems has various SOC but, the esp8266ex and esp32 are very popular with hobby community as they also incorporates a WiFi and BLE at a very attractive price point.


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