I have two PC mice one is Belkin which is bought in 2012, and the other one is HP which I bought in 2019. Both the mouse had a similar problem. Everything was working perfectly fine. But suddenly their left button started behaving in a weird manner. When i click on an object and try to hold the object. The button loses the signal and then it tries again. It also does double clicking. Most of the time it double-clicks whenever you try to do a single click.
I opened the mouse and then i opened the switch housing and just rubbed the contact so that any deposit would be removed. After that, I put the mouse back together. And it started working normally.
You can follow the instruction given in the video below.
ATmega328PB is a new semiconductor microcontroller from Microchip semiconductors. I have used its previous generation which is ATmega328 and ATmega328P. They were usually found on Arduino Uno and Arduino nano.
This new IC has a temperature sensor built into it. Which is handy for measuring the die temperature. Which can make device stable in high-temperature design. It is not accurate as a dedicated temperature sensor. But it gives you a rough idea. Using this you can the processes.
Power transistors are big bulky because they have to deal with a large amount of current in a very short amount of time. They are the fastest of all the transistors.
Heat is the biggest enemy of the transistor. As silicon is heavily dependent on temperature. As the die temperature increases the more sensitive it becomes. And at a certain point, it burns out. At the moment of burning there is a short which generates so much heat that the silicon just burns itself off.
Even the TIP3055 can only handle instantaneous current pulses for a very short amount of time. If that same transistor is put under a continuous load it will burn out in a few instances.
If we look at the derating curve of any power transistor. We will find out that they are only good for up to 1Amps of DC operation. And even at 1 Amp, it will need a sizeable amount of aluminium heatsink.
I recently bought a few Arduino Uno clones. They were not cheap. They utilise the ch34 IC, which is a USB to UART solution. They all have SMD atmega328pb soldered on them.
The problem is that two of them stopped working with the Arduino ide. On inspection, i found out that my software was not updated so firstly I updated the software which now includes a configuration for the atmega328pb.
But somehow the internal bootloader in these SMD chips got corrupted and it stopped working. I then probed the chip with AVRdude prograamer.
Found that the chip is atmega328pb. The configurations were not included at the time of installation. But the avrdude program allows you added other avr parts from Atmel.
I need to monitor battery voltage to check weather my charging system is working correctly or not. But to do that i have get up and walk with my multimeter towards the battery and i have to take these reading in night.
I placed my battery in a corner where there is very little light. So I added a transistor switch which can be controlled using Bluetooth to turn on the led light. Which provides enough light to act as a night light.
The ESP32 also has an ADC built into it. Which is very poor in terms of accuracy. It gets you the idea that there is something to work with but it does not give very precise reading like a multimeter.
Also, the ESP32 ADC is non-linear. The ADC also has an attenuation feature. Which by default is set to 11db. which gives us a workable range of up to 3.3V. But there are flat-out regions which need to be taken into account if you want to measure anything from this ADC. There is a 0 – 0.2V region in which the value read is constant, and there is a 2.9V to 3.3V region which also gives you constant reading values.
Resolution is 12-bit by default.
To measure a large voltage using this device. I made a voltage divider.
TIP3055 BJT is used as a low-side switch. R1 gives a base current of 330uA(=3.3/10000) which gets multiplied by the beta or hFE 70 of transistor to get a collector current of 0.023A or 23mA.