I made this enclosure using the MDF sheet.
It has all the port openings that raspberry pi has.
I made an attachment on the side to mount the camera.
I made this enclosure using the MDF sheet.
It has all the port openings that raspberry pi has.
I made an attachment on the side to mount the camera.
When I opened the case. I found a PCB which is screwed to a big heatsink. I unscrewed the bolts and saw that there is S109AFTG. The IC is sandwiched between the PCB and the heatsink. A small aluminum block is also used for heat transfer between the IC and the heatsink.
It has a different step size which can be selected by the DIP switches.
The motor driver has a maximum of 1/32 step size.
which means 1.8°/ 32 = 0.05625°
360°/ 0.05625° = 6400 steps
So a full rotation will be in 6400 steps.
You will need a power source such as a Switched Mode Power Supply which can supply at least 2 Amps.
If your application needs more torque you will need a power source that can provide a high current without dropping the voltage.
Or you can use the battery for a short duration.
* main.c
* Created: 7/4/2023 5:51:21 PM
* Author: abhay
#define F_CPU 16000000
#include <xc.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int PUL=PIND6; //define Pulse pin
int DIR=PINB1; //define Direction pin
int ENA=PIND2; //define Enable Pin
#define DirLow PORTB &= ~(1<<DIR)
#define DirHigh PORTB |= (1<<DIR)
#define PulLow PORTD &= ~(1<<PUL)
#define PulHigh PORTD |= (1<<PUL)
#define EnaLow PORTD &= ~(1<<ENA)
#define EnaHigh PORTD |= (1<<ENA)
#define delayus50 _delay_us(50)
int main(void)
DDRB |= (1<<DIR);
DDRD |= (1<<PUL)|(1<<ENA);
//TODO:: Please write your application code
for (int i=0; i<6400; i++) //Forward 6400 steps
for (int i=0; i<6400; i++) //Backward 6400 steps
Control systems engineering plays a crucial role in various industries, enabling precise and efficient control of processes and systems. One fundamental concept in control systems is derivative control, which helps improve the system’s response to changes and disturbances. In this blog post, we’ll explore a simple demonstration of derivative control using a slider in Tkinter, a popular Python GUI toolkit.
Derivative control is a control strategy that utilizes the derivative of the error signal to adjust the control output. By calculating the rate of change of the error, derivative control can anticipate the system’s response to changes and take corrective actions to minimize the error. It provides a damping effect and improves the system’s stability and responsiveness.
The derivative control algorithm consists of three main components:
) with the difference in error divided by the time interval.Let’s delve into the implementation of the derivative control demo using Tkinter. Here’s the code:
import tkinter as tk
import time
import webbrowser
# Derivative control function
def derivative_control(error, prev_error, dt):
# Derivative gain
Kd = 0.2
derivative_term = Kd * (error - prev_error) / dt
return derivative_term
# Main loop
def main_loop():
setpoint = 50 # Desired setpoint
process_variable = 0 # Initial process variable
prev_error = 0 # Previous error
dt = 0.1 * 9 # Time interval for derivative control
while True:
# Read process variable from the slider
process_variable = slider.get()
# Calculate the error
error = setpoint - process_variable
# Apply derivative control
derivative_term = derivative_control(error, prev_error, dt)
# Actuate the control signal (in this example, update the label)
control_label.configure(text="Derivative Term: {:.2f}".format(derivative_term))
# Update the previous error
prev_error = error
time.sleep(dt) # Sleep for the time interval
# Callback function for the slider
def slider_callback(value):
feedback_label.configure(text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(float(value)))
# Open exasub.com in a web browser
def open_link(event):
# Create the main Tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Derivative Control Demo")
# Create the slider for adjusting the feedback stimulus
slider = tk.Scale(window, from_=0, to=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=300, command=slider_callback)
# Create a label to display the feedback stimulus value
_label = tk.Label(window, text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(slider.get()))
# Create a label to display the derivative term value
control_label = tk.Label(window, text="Derivative Term: ")
# Add a link to exasub.com
link = tk.Label(window, text="Visit exasub.com", fg="blue", cursor="hand2", font=("Arial", 14))
link.bind("<Button-1>", open_link)
# Start the main loop in a separate thread
import threading
main_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
# Start the Tkinter event loop
Let’s break down the code to understand how the derivative control demo works:
for GUI, time
for time-related operations, and webbrowser
for opening web links.derivative_control
function calculates the derivative control term based on the error, previous error, and a specified time interval. It multiplies the derivative gain (Kd
) with the difference in error and divides it by the time interval. Adjusting the value of Kd
can impact the system’s response.main_loop
function serves as the central control loop of the demo. It sets the desired setpoint and initializes variables for the process variable and previous error. The time interval (dt
) determines the frequency of derivative control updates. Within the loop, the process variable is read from the slider, the error is calculated, derivative control is applied, and the control output is displayed in the GUI label. The previous error is updated, and the loop pauses for the specified time interval.slider_callback
function is triggered whenever the slider value changes. It updates the feedback label to display the current value of the feedback stimulus, representing the process variable.open_link
function opens the “exasub.com” website in a web browser when the “Visit exasub.com” link is clicked. This functionality provides an opportunity to learn more about derivative control or related topics.slider_callback
function is bound to this slider to update the feedback label.open_link
function is bound to this label to open the specified website.threading
module. This allows the control loop to run concurrently with the Tkinter event loop and ensures the GUI remains responsive.mainloop()
method of the window object. It listens for user interactions and updates the GUI accordingly.To run the derivative control demo, you’ll need to have Python and the Tkinter library installed. Save the code in a Python file (e.g., derivative_control_demo.py
) and execute it. A window will appear with a slider and two labels.
Adjusting the slider will update the feedback stimulus
value label in real-time. As you adjust the slider, the derivative control algorithm will calculate the derivative term, which will be displayed in the “Derivative Term” label. The calculated derivative term reflects the system’s response to changes in the feedback stimulus.
Additionally, clicking the “Visit exasub.com” link will open a web browser and direct you to the “exasub.com” website, providing an opportunity to explore further resources on derivative control or related topics.
In this blog post, we’ve explored a derivative control demo implemented using Tkinter in Python. By adjusting a slider representing the feedback stimulus, you can observe the real-time calculation of the derivative term. This demonstration showcases the principles of derivative control and its role in control systems engineering.
Understanding derivative control and its application can be valuable in various fields, such as robotics, industrial automation, and process control. By manipulating the derivative gain and other control parameters, engineers can fine-tune the system’s response to optimize performance, stability, and efficiency.
By experimenting with this derivative control demo and further exploring control systems engineering, you can deepen your understanding of control strategies and their impact on system behavior.
The stepper motor that i have is a bipolar stepper motor.
On it one side there is information about it.
TYPE: 17PM-k310-33VS NO. T4508-03 Minebea-Matsushita Motor Corporation Made in Thailand
It is a NEMA 17
17 stands for 1.7inches
Raspberry Pi Pico W | L298N Module |
GP0 | IN1 |
GP1 | IN2 |
GP2 | IN3 |
GP3 | IN4 |
The two coils pair are found using the multimeter in resistance mode.
Since I am using a regular motor driver. I cannot do the micro stepping.
But even with micro stepping, it can do a lot of stuff.
So there are two coil pair.
step angle of 1.8o degrees.
So to make a 360o
we need 360o / 1.8o = 200 steps
So we can make a full rotation with 200 steps of 1.8 degrees each.
This is what is known as the full step.
In full step, we only excite 1 pole at a time. There are two poles per coil.
We can excite two poles at a time. Which will half the step angle to 0.9 degrees.
The following is the table I have made to see how many steps I will be made by employing a 0.9 deg angle. It is only up to 300 steps or 270 deg. You can calculate from then on.
from machine import Pin
import utime
motor_pins = [Pin(0, Pin.OUT), Pin(1, Pin.OUT), Pin(2, Pin.OUT), Pin(3, Pin.OUT)]
step_sequence = [
off_seq = [(0,0,0,0)]
length_step_sequence = len(step_sequence)
one_rotation_length = 400/length_step_sequence
step_delay = (1/1000)*10 #ms
def step_off():
#print("step off")
Function Name: move_step
It takes the step sequence and assigns the motor pins to the value
according to the step sequence.
It moves one step seqence at a time.
For a half step sequence
each step will be 0.9 degrees.
For a full step sequence
each step will be 1.8 degrees.
def move_step(seq):
ygh = seq
for step1,pins in zip(ygh,motor_pins):
Function Name: move one step
It moves all the steps in the sequence.
For a half wave steps => 8 * 0.9 = 7.2 deg
For a full wave steps => 4 * 1.8 = 7.2 deg
def move_one_step(forward,reverse):
for i in range(0,length_step_sequence,1):
if forward == 1:
elif reverse == 1:
def rotation(steps,forward,reverse):
if forward == 1:
for i in range(steps):
print("Forward steps: ",steps)
elif reverse == 1:
for i in range(steps):
print("Reverse steps: ",steps)
Half step calculations
8 Steps of 0.9 deg each.
total degree of 8 steps => 8 * 0.9 = 7.2
(8 step sequence) * (50 repeated steps) * 0.9 deg = 360
So, a total of 400 steps are required to make 360 degree.
7.2 deg x (50 repeated steps) = 360 degrees
7.2 deg x 25 = 180 degree
while True:
rotation(25,1,0) # move 180 forward(CW)
rotation(50,0,1) # move 366 reverse (CCW)
How to control a 12V PC fan using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals with the Raspberry Pi Pico W board and an L298N motor driver module. I will use the MicroPython programming language and the Thonny IDE to write and run the code.
Raspberry Pi Pico W | L298n Module |
GP9 | IN1 |
VSYS (Connect this only when you save as “main.py” in raspberry pi.) | +5V |
12V PC FAN | L298n Module |
Positive Lead(+12V wire) | OUT1 |
Negative Lead | OUT2 |
import network
import socket
import time
from time import sleep
from picozero import pico_temp_sensor, pico_led
import machine
ssid = 'Abhay'
password = 'AK26@#36'
wdt = machine.WDT(timeout=5000) # Timeout in milliseconds (e.g., 5000ms = 5 seconds)
def feed_watchdog(timer):
wdt.feed() # Feed the watchdog timer to reset the countdown
timerWdt = machine.Timer()
timerWdt.init(period=1000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=feed_watchdog)
GPIO_PIN_9 = machine.Pin(9)
pwm9 = machine.PWM(GPIO_PIN_9)
current_pwm_duty = 0
sleep_duration = 0.01
def updateFan(x,y):
global current_pwm_duty,sleep_duration
current_pwm_duty = x
if sleep_duration > 0 and sleep_duration <= 2:
sleep_duration = y
sleep_duration = 0.01
def fanon(timer):
global current_pwm_duty,sleep_duration
def fanoff():
timerUpdate = machine.Timer()
timerUpdate.init(period=2000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=fanon)
def connect():
#Connect to WLAN
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect(ssid, password)
while wlan.isconnected() == False:
print('Waiting for connection...')
ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0]
print(f'Connected on {ip}')
return ip
def open_socket(ip):
# Open a socket
address = (ip, 80)
connection = socket.socket()
return connection
def webpage(temperature, state,user_value):
#Template HTML
html = f"""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<form action="./lighton" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="Light on" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<form action="./lightoff" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="Light off" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<p style="font-size: 20px;">LED is {state}</p>
<p style="font-size: 20px;">Temperature is {temperature}</p>
<form action="./fanon_LOW" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="FAN on LOW" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<form action="./fanon_MID" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="FAN on MID" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<form action="./fanon_FULL" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="FAN off FULL" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<form action="./fanoff" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<input type="submit" value="FAN off" style="font-size: 40px;" />
<h1>Numeric Form</h1>
<form method=POST action="/usrval">
<label for="value">Enter a numeric value:</label><br>
<input type="number" id="value" name="value" min="30" max="65" value="30"required><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<p>User value: {user_value}</p> <!-- Display the user-submitted value -->
return str(html)
def serve(connection):
#Start a web server
state = 'OFF'
temperature = 0
user_value = None # Variable to store the user-submitted value
usr_int = 0
while True:
client = connection.accept()[0]
request = client.recv(1024)
request = str(request)
rqst1 = request.split()
for x1 in rqst1:
if(x1.find("usrval") != -1):
for x1 in rqst1:
if "value=" in x1:
user_value = x1.split("=")[2].strip("'")
usr_int = int(user_value) * 1000
if usr_int >= 65535:
usr_int = 65535
if usr_int <= 0:
usr_int = 0
print(user_value," ",type(user_value)," int:",usr_int," ",type(usr_int))
request = request.split()[1]
except IndexError:
if request == '/lighton?':
state = 'ON'
elif request =='/lightoff?':
state = 'OFF'
elif request == '/fanon_LOW?':
#put the usr value in the pwm duty
elif request == '/fanon_MID?':
#put the usr value in the pwm duty
elif request == '/fanon_FULL?':
#put the usr value in the pwm duty
elif request == '/fanoff?':
temperature = pico_temp_sensor.temp
html = webpage(temperature, state,user_value)
ip = connect()
connection = open_socket(ip)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
HC-SR04 | Raspberry Pi Pico |
Trig | GP2 |
ECHO | GP3 |
I am using raspberry pi model 3 b+ for the code compilation.
touch test.c CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build
# Set the minimum required version of CMake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
# Import the Pico SDK CMake configuration file
# Set the project name and languages
project(test_project C CXX ASM)
# Set the C and C++ language standards
# Initialize the Pico SDK
# Create an executable target called "test" from the source file "test.c"
# Enable USB stdio for the "test" target (used for serial communication)
pico_enable_stdio_usb(test 1)
# Disable UART stdio for the "test" target
pico_enable_stdio_uart(test 0)
# Add extra outputs for the "test" target (e.g., UF2 file)
# Link the "test" target with the pico_stdlib library
target_link_libraries(test pico_stdlib)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include "hardware/timer.h"
#define TRIG_PIN 2
#define ECHO_PIN 3
float measure_distance() {
gpio_put(TRIG_PIN, 1);
gpio_put(TRIG_PIN, 0);
uint32_t start_ticks = 0;
uint32_t end_ticks = 0;
while (gpio_get(ECHO_PIN) == 0) {
start_ticks = time_us_32();
while (gpio_get(ECHO_PIN) == 1) {
end_ticks = time_us_32();
uint32_t elapsed_time_us = end_ticks - start_ticks;
float distance_cm = elapsed_time_us * 0.0343 / 2;
return distance_cm;
int main() {
sleep_ms(2000); // Wait for sensor to stabilize
gpio_set_dir(TRIG_PIN, GPIO_OUT);
gpio_set_dir(ECHO_PIN, GPIO_IN);
while (1) {
float distance = measure_distance();
printf("Distance: %.2f cm\n", distance);
return 0;
export PICO_SDK_PATH=../../pico
cd build
cmake ..
If everything worked, you will have your ulf2 file in your build directory
I have an old HC-Sr04 ultrasonic sensor. I don’t know if it’s GPIO voltage compatible with the 3.3V microcontroller.
On the internet, I found that the old sensors work with 5V.
So, I used a voltage divider made of 1K ohm and 1.5K ohm Surface mount resistors. To bring down the 5V to a suitable 3V.
I want to reduce the voltage level on the ECHO pin of the ultrasonic sensor to a safe level for the Raspberry Pi Pico’s GPIO pins. Let’s assume we have chosen resistors R1 and R2 with values of 1K and 1.5K, respectively.
You can also use the voltage divider calculator for this
Voltage Divider Calculator
Using the voltage divider formula, we can calculate the output voltage at the midpoint (E_3) of the voltage divider circuit:
V_out = V_in * (R2 / (R1 + R2))
Since the Vsys pin of the Raspberry Pi Pico provides a voltage of 5V, we can calculate the output voltage:
V_out = 5V * (1.5K / (1K + 1.5K))
= 5V * (1.5K / 2.5K)
= 5V * 0.6
= 3V
With the given resistor values, the output voltage at the midpoint of the voltage divider circuit will be 3V. This 3V output is within the safe voltage range for the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi Pico.
To implement the interface between the ultrasonic sensor and the Raspberry Pi Pico, we will utilize MicroPython, a lightweight Python implementation for microcontrollers. The following code snippet demonstrates the necessary steps:
from machine import Pin
import utime
trigger = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
echo = Pin(3, Pin.IN)
def ultra():
while echo.value() == 0:
signaloff = utime.ticks_us()
while echo.value() == 1:
signalon = utime.ticks_us()
timepassed = signalon - signaloff
distance = (timepassed * 0.0343) / 2
print("The distance from object is ",distance,"cm")
while True:
Control systems engineering plays a crucial role in regulating and optimizing various processes in industries, robotics, and automation. One fundamental concept in control systems is integral control, which aims to reduce steady-state error and improve system performance. In this blog post, we will explore integral control, its implementation in Python using tkinter, and discuss its importance in control systems.
Understanding Integral Control:
Integral control is a control technique that integrates the error signal over time and uses the accumulated integral term to adjust the control signal. It helps to compensate for any steady-state error and drive the system towards the desired setpoint. The integral control component is typically employed alongside proportional and derivative control, forming the PID control algorithm.
Implementation using Python tkinter:
To better grasp the concept of integral control, let’s examine a Python code snippet that demonstrates its implementation using the tkinter library:
import tkinter as tk
import time
import threading
import webbrowser
# Integral control function
def integral_control(error, integral_sum):
# Integral gain
Ki = 0.1
integral_sum += error
integral_term = Ki * integral_sum
return integral_term, integral_sum
# Main loop
def main_loop():
setpoint = 50 # Desired setpoint
process_variable = 0 # Initial process variable
integral_sum = 0 # Accumulated integral sum
while True:
# Read process variable from the slider
process_variable = slider.get()
# Calculate the error
error = setpoint - process_variable
# Apply integral control
integral_term, integral_sum = integral_control(error, integral_sum)
# Actuate the control signal (in this example, update the label)
control_label.configure(text="Integral Term: {:.2f}".format(integral_term))
time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep for 0.1 seconds
# Callback function for the slider
def slider_callback(value):
feedback_label.configure(text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(float(value)))
# Open exasub.com in a web browser
def open_link(event):
# Create the main Tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Integral Control Demo")
# Create the slider for adjusting the feedback stimulus
slider = tk.Scale(window, from_=0, to=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=300, command=slider_callback)
# Create a label to display the feedback stimulus value
feedback_label = tk.Label(window, text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(slider.get()))
# Create a label to display the integral term value
control_label = tk.Label(window, text="Integral Term: ")
# Add a link to exasub.com
link = tk.Label(window, text="Visit exasub.com", fg="blue", cursor="hand2", font=("Arial", 14))
link.bind("<Button-1>", open_link)
# Start the main loop in a separate thread
import threading
main_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
# Start the Tkinter event loop
In the code snippet, we begin by setting up the graphical user interface (GUI) using tkinter. The GUI consists of a slider for adjusting the feedback stimulus, labels to display the feedback stimulus value and the integral term value, and a link to a website. The slider is used to simulate the process variable, while the labels provide real-time feedback on the control system’s behavior.
The integral control algorithm is implemented within the integral_control
function. It calculates the integral term based on the error and the accumulated integral sum. The integral gain, represented by Ki
, determines the contribution of the integral term to the control signal. By adjusting the integral gain, the system’s response can be fine-tuned.
The main loop continuously reads the process variable from the slider and calculates the error by comparing it to the desired setpoint. It then calls the integral_control
function to compute the integral term. The integral term is used to actuate the control signal or update the label in the GUI, providing a visual representation of the control system’s behavior.
Importance of Integral Control:
Integral control is essential in control systems engineering for several reasons:
Integral control is a key component of control systems engineering, enabling precise regulation and optimization of processes. By integrating the error over time, integral control reduces steady-state error and enhances system performance. In this blog post, we explored integral control and its implementation using Python’s tkinter library. We also discussed the importance of integral control in achieving robust and stable control systems.
As you delve further into control systems engineering, consider exploring additional control techniques, such as proportional and derivative control, to create more advanced control systems. Experimenting with different control strategies will deepen your understanding of control systems and their practical applications.
Understanding Proportional Control:
Proportional control is a basic feedback control technique that adjusts the control signal proportionally to the error between a desired setpoint and the process variable. The process variable represents the current state of the system being controlled. By continuously monitoring and adjusting the control signal, the system strives to minimize the error and achieve the desired setpoint.
I have created this simple program using python and tkinter library.
When this program is run. A slider will appear which you can move.
A set point of 50 is given as the default value.
When you start the program the slider will be at 0 position. As you increase your slider you will see a change in the control signal parameter.
This Control Signal will be 0 at your set point which is 50.
As you go past the set point the control signal will become negative.
The system will keep changing the control signal to make the slider reach it’s set point.
import tkinter as tk
import time
import webbrowser
# Proportional control function
def proportional_control(error):
# Proportional gain
Kp = 0.5
control_signal = Kp * error
return control_signal
# Main loop
def main_loop():
setpoint = 50 # Desired setpoint
process_variable = 0 # Initial process variable
while True:
# Read process variable from the slider
process_variable = slider.get()
# Calculate the error
error = setpoint - process_variable
# Apply proportional control
control_signal = proportional_control(error)
# Actuate the control signal (in this example, update the label)
control_label.configure(text="Control Signal: {:.2f}".format(control_signal))
time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep for 0.1 seconds
# Callback function for the slider
def slider_callback(value):
feedback_label.configure(text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(float(value)))
# Open exasub.com in a web browser
def open_link(event):
# Create the main Tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Proportional Control Demo")
# Create the slider for adjusting the feedback stimulus
slider = tk.Scale(window, from_=0, to=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=300, command=slider_callback)
slider.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10)
# Create a label to display the feedback stimulus value
feedback_label = tk.Label(window, text="Feedback Stimulus: {:.2f}".format(slider.get()))
feedback_label.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)
# Create a label to display the control signal value
control_label = tk.Label(window, text="Control Signal: ")
control_label.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)
# Add a link to exasub.com
link = tk.Label(window, text="Visit exasub.com", fg="blue", cursor="hand2", font=("Arial", 14))
link.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=5)
link.bind("<Button-1>", open_link)
# Start the main loop in a separate thread
import threading
main_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
# Start the Tkinter event loop
Let’s dive into the code provided and understand how the proportional control demo works.
# Main loop
def main_loop():
setpoint = 50 # Desired setpoint
process_variable = 0 # Initial process variable
while True:
# Read process variable from the slider
process_variable = slider.get()
# Calculate the error
error = setpoint - process_variable
# Apply proportional control
control_signal = proportional_control(error)
# Actuate the control signal (in this example, update the label)
control_label.configure(text="Control Signal: {:.2f}".format(control_signal))
time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep for 0.1 seconds
Explanation of the Code:
The provided code demonstrates a simple scenario where the process variable is obtained from a slider widget. Here’s a breakdown of the code’s key components:
variable represents the desired value or setpoint that we want the process variable to reach.process_variable
variable holds the current value of the system being controlled, obtained from the slider widget.proportional_control
function, not provided in the code snippet, applies the proportional control algorithm. This function takes the error as input and computes the control signal accordingly.control_label
) to display the control signal value. In a real-world scenario, the control signal would be used to actuate a physical system, such as adjusting a motor’s speed or a valve’s position.time.sleep(0.1)
. This delay allows the control system to stabilize before the next iteration.Understanding Proportional Control:
Proportional control works by adjusting the control signal in proportion to the error. The control signal can be interpreted as an effort or corrective action to reduce the error. In this demo, the control signal is calculated by the proportional_control
function, which is not provided in the code snippet.
The proportional control algorithm typically involves multiplying the error by a constant gain, known as the proportional gain (Kp). The control signal is then obtained by multiplying the error with Kp. The value of Kp determines the system’s responsiveness to the error, and finding the appropriate gain is crucial for stable and efficient control.
The proportional control demo showcased in this blog post provides a basic understanding of how proportional control operates within a control system. By continuously adjusting the control signal based on the error between the setpoint and the process variable, proportional control helps bring the system closer to the desired state. Proportional control is just one of many control techniques, and understanding its principles is vital for delving into more advanced control strategies.
Remember that proportional control alone may not be sufficient for complex systems, as it lacks the ability to anticipate and account for system dynamics. Nonetheless, it forms the foundation for more advanced control techniques like PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control.
So go ahead, experiment with the demo code, and explore the fascinating world of control systems!