Title: Wave Audio Recording Application using STM32L476G-DISCO board
The audio is sampled at 16Khz and the samples are saved in the flash storage. While the recording is in progress Green LED will turn ON. You can use a USB to retrieve the file once the recording is over and Green LED is turned OFF.
USB is chosen as the method of communication as the UART is not present in modern personal computers.
Wave format does not require any encoding so it saves time in small constraint devices. Because of that it becomes very easy to store the sample.
MEMS audio sensor omnidirectional digital microphone provides audio sample in Pulse Density Modulation format (PDM)
They require a DFSDM peripheral.
DFSDM provides the clock for the MEMS microphone and also collect the sample.
DMA is provided from the DFSDM to Array.
The array is stored in 16 MB Quad SPI FLASH Memory
The FLASH memory can be accessed using USB.
Date: 17-June-2023
Here is the STM32CubeIDE project. It has all the files. But i have changed the sampling rate to 32 kHz.
You need to build this project to get the “.bin” file inside the Debug directory.