Tag: atmega328p
How to make an Obstacle Avoiding Vehicle using Arduino UNO
Arduino Sketch Code Explanation The code is a simple obstacle avoidance program for a robot using an ultrasonic sensor and two motors. Let’s break down the code and explain each section: In this section, the code defines constants for motor pins (m1p, m1n, m2p, m2n) and pins for the ultrasonic sensor (echopin for echo and…
How to Transmit Data via UART with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE
How to Initialize UART Communication with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE
How to ATMega328PB to avrdude.conf
I recently bought a few Arduino Uno clones. They were not cheap. They utilise the ch34 IC, which is a USB to UART solution. They all have SMD atmega328pb soldered on them. The problem is that two of them stopped working with the Arduino ide. On inspection, i found out that my software was not…