Tag: Project
Make a Joystick-Controlled Car with ESP32 and NodeMCU
Are you interested in making a remote-controlled car using ESP32 and NodeMCU? In this project, we will use a joystick module to control a car wirelessly. This is a fun and simple way to explore ESP-NOW communication and motor control! What You Need To build this joystick-controlled car, you will need: How It Works Wiring…
How to use bipolar stepper motor using l298n module and raspberry pi pico w
The stepper motor that i have is a bipolar stepper motor. On it one side there is information about it. TYPE: 17PM-k310-33VS NO. T4508-03 Minebea-Matsushita Motor Corporation Made in Thailand It is a NEMA 1717 stands for 1.7inches Raspberry Pi Pico W L298N Module GND GND GP0 IN1 GP1 IN2 GP2 IN3 GP3 IN4 The…
12V PC Fan Control Using Raspberry Pi Pico W By PWM
How to control a 12V PC fan using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals with the Raspberry Pi Pico W board and an L298N motor driver module. I will use the MicroPython programming language and the Thonny IDE to write and run the code. Raspberry Pi Pico W L298n Module GP9 IN1 GND GND VSYS(Connect this…
Raspberry Pi Pico Internal Temperature Sensor Based Fan Speed Control using PID Algorithm with Anti-Windup Logic
This system uses the Raspberry pi pico development board which has an RP2040 microcontroller. The RP2040 microcontroller has an internal temperature sensor. Using its internal temperature sensor I have devised a very simple setup that demonstrates the PID algorithm. Using PID Algorithm control technique I am controlling the fan speed by changing the PWM duty…
Wireless Plant Watering System using Raspberry Pi Pico W
Every morning my mom waters the plant. She has to water them every day and sometimes in summer, she must provide water twice a day. In winter plant needs water when necessary. Solution: For the above problem, I developed this project using raspberry pi pico w. Here is what it does: Schematic Diagram Micropython Code
Interfacing an external +5V power supply with Raspberry Pi Pico
From the section 4.5 Powering Pico of the official Raspberry Pi Datasheet. I have decided to use the first method which is suggest to use a schottky diode with the VSYS pin. I have used 1N5819 Schottky diode.which hasVRRM = 40V,Maximum average forward rectified current IF(AV) = 1A The schottky diode and the diode on…
How to use button with Raspberry Pi Pico using micropython
The Pico has internal pull up /down circuits inside it. I have made this simple circuit for demonstration. Button could be connected in two ways. In the schematic i connected a button to GP22 using a external pull up of resistor 10k. I also used a capacitor in parallel with the button to debounce the…
How to Read internal temperature sensor of Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE
The internal temperature sensor of RP2040 is read using micropython. The Thonny IDE is used in Windows environment. The temperature sensor is connected to Channel number 4 of the ADC. But since this is a rather small implementation using Thonny IDE, it does most of the interfacing related code in the background. Code
How to setup Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE on windows and Blink onboard LED
First you have to install micropython on your raspberry pi pico board. Follow the steps shown in the video. To blink the onboard LED you can follow these steps: That’s it! You have successfully blinked the onboard LED of Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny IDE on Windows.
How to blink onboard LED on Raspberry Pi Pico W using Thonny IDE in Windows
The raspberry pi pico w has a LED on it. This LED is not connected to the GPIO pins of RP2040 microcontroller directly. As you can see in the image of the pinout taken from the official datasheet. The onboard LED is connected to a pin ‘WL_GPIO0’. WL_GPIO0 is an internal pin. There are different…