Tag: STM32 Project

  • Up Counting Timer using STM32L476

    I have created this Upcounting timer using the RTC of STM32L476vgt. In this timer, time will keep on incrementing and it will be displayed using the onboard LCD. How to Read RTC of STM32L476G-DISCO Here is the code that I have used to make this. I have used STM32 CUBE IDE for programming and debugging…

  • How to use LCD Driver of STM32L476VGT on STM32L476 Discovery

    To use the internal LCD driver of stm32l476; the best way is to use the LCD driver provided in the BSP. It is located inside the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0 repository. Go to the..\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0\Drivers\BSP\STM32L476G-Discovery Copy the stm32l476g_discovery.c, stm32l476g_discovery.h, stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.c and stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.h Paste the files in your project. Include the header file in your project.#include “stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.h” After this you…

  • How to start a project for STM32L476 Discovery in STM32 Cube IDE

    Download the STM32 Cube IDE from https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html Watch this video tutorial. Write a program using STM32L476G-DISCO Step1: Install STM32 Cube IDE Step2: Create a New Workspace A workspace is a directory which will contain all your code and library related to your project. Step 3: click on “Start new STM32 Project” button Step 4: Select…